Emotions in Website Design – Fresh Examples


In the artificial world of digital photos, illustrated characters, boxy layouts and cutting-edge geometric effects, a bit of emotion has never been excessive and uncalled-for. We appreciate open and smiling human faces, sanguine children, cheerful old ladies and even funny dogs and cats. Each one has its level of personality and a gamut of emotions that as a rule greatly benefit the project, enriching the general feeling and lightening up the air. Continue reading

Branding Guidelines – Great Examples and Why You Need Them


All the large companies and organisations have clear branding guidelines. You may think this is not a necessary step for your own brand, but as we will discuss in this article, there are reasons why you should have them – if you are building a brand that is likely to be featured on other sites, it is important to get your branding guidelines in place and make them as clear and precise as possible. Continue reading