Huge Graffiti Wall Murals – The Unique Art of ETAM Crew


Creating something different and interesting. Creating new worlds that are unlike the familiar surrounding the murals are located in. This seems to be the motto of ETAM crew. The duo that form the team are better known as Bezt and Sainer. Their huge graffiti wall murals have long broken the barrier of their homeland Poland, and are now decorate the exterior walls of many European cities. Continue reading

The Floating Action Button – An Upcoming Popular Design Trend


The floating action button is a lightweight, elegant, dynamic, fast and efficient assistant that aims to support the primary navigation and enhance user experience. Being just a small circular element that moves along with the user, independently soars above everything and as a rule, adheres to the right side, it is able to extend the functionality of each screen as well as make a program handier. Continue reading